Boogie Woogie in the Square
I wiz in Boogie Woogie the ither day
Ma Denner fer tae get
Man, fit an extensive Me-an-U
Fu’ o’ moo’waaterin’ Mett
Noo, it dizna maitter fa’ ye are
Nor far ye say ye bide
Ye’re welcome farivir ye’re fae
Fowk cam’ fae far an’ wide
Plunty parkin’ space as weel
In Regent Square it’s free
Or leave yer car in Fife Street
Nae bather, fitiver ye dee
A big Fite Folder ye see
On iviry single table
Somethin’ fer abiddy tae like
Ah’m tellin’ ye, this is nae fable
There’s iviry conceivable brakfast
Ye kin even bigg yer ain
Or tak’ fit’s in the Folder
Dizna caa’se the Staff ony pain
There’s Tasty Toasties, Sannies, Paninis an’ Baiket Tatties
Wi’ fullins o’ umpteen description
Tae tantalise yer Taste Buds
Jings, fit a rare pick-me-up prescription
Up on the wa’ there’s a Speshuls Boord
Fer ye tae gake at iviry day
The soups an’ poods are somethin’ else
Ivir sae gran’ – come fit may
The Friday Roasts mak’ yer moo waater
Be it Chucken or be it Beef
Wi’ a’ the trimmin’s on yer plate
Fowk stare in disbelief
Abiddy hiz their favourite
The Mince an’ Tatties are rare
Chucken Fricasee is scrumptious
An’ Kedgeree? Weel, it’s beyond compare
Of coorse – if a’ fit ye really wint
Is a Late, Chappychino or Tae
Wi’ a hame made Scone or funcy peece
Sittin’ in the Cabinet – on display
Sine, they div dee hame deliveries
If cookin’ ye dinna wint tae fuss
Order fit ye funcy
Get it delivered bi The Boogie Bus
It’s nae jist mett they hiv
Wi’ gifties upstairs an’ doon
Scarves, an’ Clyes o’ a’ sorts
Maks yer heid gyang roon’ an’ roon
Noo, I cwid gyang on an’ on
Bit the best thing, if ye dare
Is cam’ alang – see fer yersel’
By Charlie Simpson
December 2024
Boogie Woogie Cafe & Gift Shop, 2 Regent Square, Keith, Moray, AB55 5DX - 01542 888077
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